male is concerned about his friend because friend's head is on the bar after drinking too much at at party A New Outlook Recovery Services Colorado


When the Party’s Over but Holiday Drinking Isn’t

Holiday Drinking The holidays are a time of “More”. More parties, more social gatherings, more celebrations. And more holiday drinking. Many of the usual drinking rules are relaxed during the holiday season. Drinking in the daytime for example, and drinking at the workplace where office parties often add alcohol to the mix. More drinking and… Read more »

woman consoles another on a couch as she feels grief at this time A New Outlook Recovery Services Colorado


Grief Takes No Holidays

Grief and the Holidays For those experiencing sorrow, whether, through death, separation, divorce, illness, job loss or relocation, the glittering commercialism and unrelenting cheer of the holiday season can be stressful. Facing Thanksgiving Day and Christmas with an empty chair at the table can make unbearable grief so much worse, says Karen Silbert, MD, Associate… Read more »

Young girl dressed as superhero with red cape and blue mask rides tricycle during the holidays A New Outlook Recovery Services Colorado


Sober for the Holidays

Sober for the 2020 Holidays About this time every year, we like to take a closer look at the unique challenge of staying holiday sober. Sobriety is not just wishful thinking – it’s a daily commitment to making good, healthy choices over bad, destructive ones. Staying holiday sober takes extra effort on the part of… Read more »