two people clink glasses with red fruit punch


Holiday Season Preparation for Fending Off Relapse

Make preparations in advance. Recovering addicts need to assemble a “recovery kit” they can take with them before joining their families for holiday celebrations. This kit would include contact information for the recovering person’s sponsor and therapist. People in recovery that may be traveling out of town need to bring reading material, whether it is… Read more »

image of woman surrounded by words about handling anxiety, fear, worry with a red background A New Outlook Recovery Services Colorado


How Well Do You Handle Anxiety?

Anxiety is different than fear but it is related to it. Fear is a feeling of tension that is associated with a known source of danger. Anxiety is also a feeling of tension, but in this case, the danger or the threat of danger is unknown. Anxiety is often anticipatory — worrying about the future…. Read more »

image of silhouette of person whose back is disintegrating due to being overwhelmed and stressed A New Outlook Recovery Services Colorado


How Well Do You Handle Being Overwhelmed?

When that overwhelming feeling strikes, it’s easy to feel powerless and immobile.  Everything feels too big. It’s not just everyday busyness and packed schedules.  When we’re overwhelmed, just making dinner becomes a monumental effort.  Take the Thriving quiz below to see how well you’ve learned to deal with overwhelm. True or False 1. I try… Read more »