image in black and white showing young woman sitting alone in fear on bench with heavy clouds behind her A New Outlook Recovery Services Colorado


How Well Do You Handle Fear?

At its best, fear is an instinctive, natural ability to help us survive. At its worst, it’s that nagging voice inside our heads that heralds doom and disaster even before we get started on something. Fear keeps us from taking risks that might enrich our life or holds us back from doing some things we… Read more »

male is concerned about his friend because friend's head is on the bar after drinking too much at at party A New Outlook Recovery Services Colorado


When the Party’s Over but Holiday Drinking Isn’t

Holiday Drinking The holidays are a time of “More”. More parties, more social gatherings, more celebrations. And more holiday drinking. Many of the usual drinking rules are relaxed during the holiday season. Drinking in the daytime for example, and drinking at the workplace where office parties often add alcohol to the mix. More drinking and… Read more »

woman consoles another on a couch as she feels grief at this time A New Outlook Recovery Services Colorado


Grief Takes No Holidays

Grief and the Holidays For those experiencing sorrow, whether, through death, separation, divorce, illness, job loss or relocation, the glittering commercialism and unrelenting cheer of the holiday season can be stressful. Facing Thanksgiving Day and Christmas with an empty chair at the table can make unbearable grief so much worse, says Karen Silbert, MD, Associate… Read more »

woman in blue and black hoodie covers half of her face A New Outlook Recovery Services Colorado


10 Behaviors that Block Happiness

Blocking Happiness We all seek that elusive quality of “happiness.” Here are some things you can place your awareness on and STOP so you can be happier. Impressing. What you have —your possessions, your accomplishments—don’t result in real relationship or lasting happiness. Blaming. Your response to any situation is your choice. Try making it a… Read more »

young woman sits among fall leaves while half of her body breaks in pieces indicating depression A New Outlook Recovery Services Colorado


Moving Through Depression

Top 10 Tips for Moving Through Depression The crushing blackness of depression can seem insurmountable when you’re in it. But there are things you can do to help lighten the darkness and even project a feeling of well-being and joy. Stay connected with others. Isolating yourself doesn’t protect loved ones nor help you. Just being… Read more »

woman curls up on couch because she suffers from Major Depressive Disorder A New Outlook Recovery Services Colorado


Major Depression

Major Depression Sometimes referred to as unipolar or major depressive disorder, major depression is the persistent feeling of sadness or a lack of interest or pleasure in almost all activities. It is often accompanied by any of the following: Difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much A decrease or increase in appetite Decreased energy or fatigue… Read more »