Compassionate Therapy That Heals
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) differs from traditional Western therapy treatments in that there is no assumption that being “healthy” is normal. On the contrary, the premise behind ACT is that your normal everyday thoughts and beliefs can become destructive.
Specifically, it theorizes that human language and cognition is at the root of human suffering because it is often the foundation for negative thoughts and emotions (such as self-criticism, obsession, deception, prejudice, and fear).
ACT theorizes that that trying to change difficult thoughts and feelings as a means of coping can be counterproductive, and instead, acceptance, mindfulness, and committed action (among others) may be a more effective alternative.
The goal of ACT is not to entirely rid you of your symptoms, but rather accept that there will always be pain and suffering in everyone’s life, and that you should detach from it and take action based on your values. You will be encouraged to enjoy a meaningful life, and ultimately, it is expected that your symptoms will fade as a by-product of the ACT process.
Effective & Helpful Therapy – Serving Colorado Since 2010

Acceptance & Commitment Therapy is about taking effective action guided by our deepest values and in which we are fully present and engaged.

ACT teaches mindfulness skills to help individuals live and behave in ways consistent with personal values while developing psychological flexibility.

Very Helpful
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a type of … can be extremely helpful in the treatment of depression, anxiety and many other issues.
The Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Model
At A New Outlook Recovery Services, the ACT process usually involves active experiential exercises, as well as behavioral interventions (learning about what you value in life). Also it includes mindfulness skills training (awareness of the present).
We apply the six core ACT principles, which include:
1. Cognitive Defusion: Separating yourself from unpleasant internal experiences. You will always have these experiences, but ACT is designed to reduce the influence that they have on you.
2. Acceptance: Allowing your unpleasant internal experiences to happen without trying to control them. This makes them seem less threatening and reduces their impact on your life.
3. Staying in the Present: You will practice engaging in the present moment instead of becoming lost in your own thoughts.
4. The Observing Self: You will learn to observe yourself thinking, thus putting you in control of your thoughts.
5. Values: You will identify what you stand for, what is important to you and what has meaning in your life.
6. Committed Action: You will commit yourself to action. Action that is in line with your values, even if it causes you some distress. You will set goals based on your values and take steps to achieve them.
ACT is known to help treat stress, general anxiety, and social anxiety disorder, in addition to depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. It also treats psychosis, PTSD, substance abuse, and more. It is most useful with people who prefer meditation. Meditative practices to examining and changing their thought processes.
Contact us today to learn if ACT may help you or your loved one. A New Outlook Recovery Services is here for your needs.

Joint Commission Gold Seal of Approval for Behavioral Healthcare Accreditation
The Gold Seal of Approval shows continuous compliance with its performance standards. It is a symbol of quality that represents and reflects our commitment to providing safe and effective care.